Kongsi: The Truth about Actuarial Science?

Saya juga kongsikan antara yang telah dibuat sedikit homework oleh saudara Ahmad Hafifi Hamdan yang dikongsikan dalam Nota Facebooknya yang bertajuk " The Truth about Actuarial Science " dan anda bolehlah menambah pengetahuan berkaitan Sains Aktuari jika anda benar-benar berminat. Semoga perkongsian di bawah memberikan anda kefahaman berkaitan bidang tersebut. Terima kasih juga kepada Ahmad Hafifi Hamdan kerana sudi berkongsi hasil homework beliau berkaitan bidang ini. Quoted from forum.lowyat.net: I believe that people are doing Actuarial Science for the wrong reasons. I hope that this post will actually shatter the disillusionment that people have. Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to discourage people to pursue this challenging course, its challenge being its ultimate reward. However, it is disheartening to see so many people get into this course and ending up not being qualified actuaries, because they fail to understand what this course is all a...