Taja: Biasiswa Ditaja IJM ditutup 20 April 2012

Mahukan pengajian anda ditaja oleh pihak IJM? Di sini satu iklan yang menawarkan biasiswa kepada anda untuk dipohon dan akan dibuka  permohonan sehingga 20 April 2012. Jika anda berminat, bolehlah lihat maklumat berikut dan meneliti apakah yang kos berkaitan yang anda boleh pohon di bawah tajaan IJM.

Berikut iklan berkaitan dipetik daripada laman web IJM:-

The Award
IJM Scholarship Award is offered to help develop, nurture and raise excellent talented Malaysians of the future. Through this award, financially needy Malaysians are give the opportunity to develop their full potential, fulfill their aspiration and contribute towards the nation’s development.

Value of the Award
RM10,000 per academic year.
The award will be for the minimum period required to complete the course of study

  • Bachelor of Accounting
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical, Chemical)
  • Bachelor of Housing, Building & Planning
  • Bachelor of Quantity Surveying
  • Bachelor of Architecture
  • Bachelor of Estate Management
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Polymer Science, Mineral Science, Geology)
  • Bachelor of Economics / Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science / Agribusiness
  • Excellent academic achievements in STPM / Matriculation
  • Outstanding leadership qualities and active participation in extra-curricular activities
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • Financial needy
  • Currently pursuing or awaiting acceptance to pursue full-time degree courses at universities in Malaysia
  • Not a recipient of scholarship, loan or financial assistance from any other organization

Condition of Award
Successful scholars will have to serve as employees of IJM or any of its subsidiaries for a stipulated period immediately upon completion of their studies.

To Apply
Submit online application via www.ijm.com/v2/scholarship2012

For enquiry, please e-mail to hr_scholarship@ijm.com.


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